Fact & Fiction on the Origin of the Marathon 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤 기원설의 사실성과 허구성
55(1) 1-12, 2016
Fact & Fiction on the Origin of the Marathon 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤 기원설의 사실성과 허구성
The story of the heroic Greek herald, Phillippides, running to deliver the news of Greece's victory over Persia is often told to explain the origin of the Marathon. Related to the issue, the purpose of this study is to clarify factual and fictional elements of the origin of the marathon described in foreign literature in order to explore its descriptive problems within korean contexts This study revealed two main findings. First, the origin of the marathon connoted both fictional and nonfictional elements: although it appeared the Greek herald from the Persian war did in fact exist, the stories of his demise after announcing the news of victory was fictitious. Second, the description of the origin of the marathon tended to be treated as exceedingly realistic in Korean literature: the death of the messenger and the distance of the marathon of 42.195km were depicted as historical facts, and even the description of the founder of the marathon in the Korean elementary school textbook was a false record. Therefore, the origin of the marathon should be described as a story encompassing both fictional and nonfictional aspects simultaneously in the prospective writing of professional sports history books and textbooks.
Key Words
marathon, the origin of marathon, philippides, pheidippides
Staging the 1960 Asia Football Championship in Korea and the Construction of Hyochang Park Stadium 인문,사회과학편 : 1960년 아시아 축구선수권대회 개최와 효창운동장 건립
55(1) 13-23, 2016
Staging the 1960 Asia Football Championship in Korea and the Construction of Hyochang Park Stadium 인문,사회과학편 : 1960년 아시아 축구선수권대회 개최와 효창운동장 건립
This study aims at assessing the historical meanings on staging of the 1960 Asia Football Championship in Seoul. It is important to note that this football tournament was the first international sports event with the construction of a new football stadium held in Seoul after its liberation. Also it could serve as an useful precedent for international sports events successfully held from the decade of 1980s, such as the 1988 Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup in terms of representing and fostering sport nationalism in general and football nationalism in particular by way of holding an international sports event accompanied by building stadia. The characteristics of the 1960 Asia Football Championship could be summarized as follows: first, it caused a fierce debate as the Rhee Syng-Man adminstration attempted to build a football stadium at Hyochang Park, where seven deceased patriots, including his political rival Kim Ku had been buried. secondly, there was an accident with 21 crowds injured during the game against Israel, which was derived from over-issuing tickets, many free spectators, and security problems in controlling the public disorder. It could be argued that this unfortunate incident, to a certain extent, reflected social disturbance being rampant at a time of political unrest awash with street demonstrations in South Korea. Thirdly, Korean football national side could win this tournament twice in a row, a footballing achievement that help to implant football’s significance in demonstrating national prestige and stature into the national collective memories.
Key Words
football, Asia Football Championship, football nationalism, international sports events
A study on the Development of Football during Japanese Occupation 인문,사회과학편 : 일제강점기 축구의 전개에 관한 연구
최종균JongKyunChoi , 김태양TaeYangKim
55(1) 25-35, 2016
A study on the Development of Football during Japanese Occupation 인문,사회과학편 : 일제강점기 축구의 전개에 관한 연구
최종균JongKyunChoi , 김태양TaeYangKim
In this study, the course through which football was introduced in Korea was reviewed, and development of football in the country during the Japanese occupation was examined, based on literature. The result was as follows: there are two possibilities regarding how football was introduced in Korea. It could have been introduced in 1882 by the crew of Flying Fish, a British surveying ship, or, in 1890, by foreign school teachers. However, it was not possible to clearly verify it. Also, during the Japanese occupation, football games at schools spread the sport to the public and football clubs played an important role in popularizing football as a general sport played by adults. Second, establishment of a football-related association led to establishment of the sport rules, instruction and encouragement of the sport, and organization of official football matches. It also organized and systematized football in Korea. Third, official football matches on a national level improved competency and professionalism of Korean football.
Key Words
Football, Development of football, during Japanese occupation
A Program Development and Application on Educating Sport Ethics 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠윤리교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용
55(1) 37-47, 2016
A Program Development and Application on Educating Sport Ethics 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠윤리교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용
This study aims to develop an educational program of sport ethics which would enhance moral autonomy on the part of athletes. First, based on James Rest’s Four Component Model of moral behavior, this study has analyzed prior studies and built educational contents. Then, it used dilemma discussions among peers for disequilibrium of cognitive structure. Last, this program has been tested and proven by college students who were thoroughly interviewed afterwards. After joining the program, the student-athletes showed a positive change of thought and action in relation to sport ethics. I hope that this study will contribute to enlarging the field of sport ethics education.
Key Words
moral autonomy, sport ethics education, the Four Component Model, dilemma discussion
The logical Exploration about the Taekwondo history discourse 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 역사 담론에 대한 논리적 탐구
55(1) 49-59, 2016
The logical Exploration about the Taekwondo history discourse 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 역사 담론에 대한 논리적 탐구
The purpose of this study was to explain a number of theories logically about the Taekwondo history. In order to meet the purpose of this study, The method of objective analysis of the facts judge presence or absence through the logical symbol that arranges core of theories like a ‘traditionalism’, ‘revisionism’, ‘neotraditionalism’. After, In order to assist of researcher’s interpretation and assertion synthesized about Taekwondo history through the dialectical logic. From the this article suggests differences of opinion and perspective about Taekwondo history discourse, A ‘true and false’ history of Taekwondo through separated by logic argued the need for a comprehensive interpretation of the identity of Taekwondo.
Key Words
Taekwondo, history of Taekwondo, Taekwondo discourse, logic, formal logic, Dialectical logic
A Narrative Inquiry for Gender-Role Conflict of Female Soccer Players 인문,사회과학편 : 여자축구 선수의 성 역할 갈등에 대한 내러티브 탐구
55(1) 61-73, 2016
A Narrative Inquiry for Gender-Role Conflict of Female Soccer Players 인문,사회과학편 : 여자축구 선수의 성 역할 갈등에 대한 내러티브 탐구
This study aims to understand the gender-role conflict of female soccer players and to suggest solutions. For this purpose, a female soccer player who was troubled with gender-role conflict was selected as a participant by utilizing a case sampling method among purposive sampling methods. The researcher is a physical education teacher who has been involved with the participant with three year relationship between a teacher and a student during the participant's high school period. Data on participant observation, in-depth interview and e-mail were collected and they were analyzed with domain analysis and taxonomic analysis. It results in that the opinion on gender-role conflict which the participant, Dahee had to go through as a female soccer player proposes two solutions. First, there should be a transformation of social and culture prejudices for female soccer players. Second, there should be an establishment of gender identity for female soccer players. In detail, the social and cultural awareness with dichotomy of logic in accepting masculinity and femininity should be transformed to solve the gender-role conflicts of female soccer players. Also, intervention programs and educational institutes are necessary to establish their gender identity.
Key Words
female soccer, gender-role conflict, narrative
The Critical Consideration of the Career Support Project for Retired Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업에 대한 비판적 고찰
55(1) 75-96, 2016
The Critical Consideration of the Career Support Project for Retired Athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 은퇴선수 진로지원 사업에 대한 비판적 고찰
The objective of this study is to suggest the support measures in the aspect of policy and strategy to effectively establish the career support system for retired Athletes, considering the domestic sport environment and policies. To achieve this objective, the in-depth interview was performed with total ten study participants including six participants in the program, two practitioners of the program, and two specialists in the academia, focusing on the Foundation for the Next Generation Sports Talent and Korean Olympic Committee. Consequently, businesses of representative agencies for supporting Korean retired athletes have found to play an important role as the place that athletes can make ready for and prepare for their career. Nevertheless, they have found to have many limits in showing effectiveness when compared to implementation of the businesses due to problems of short term education and support and operation of general human resources. Therefore, plans to build a support system of Korean retired athletes were as follow: The measures to establish the career support system for retired athletes are like following. First, qualification standard for connective support of their career was prepared. Second, the environment for career development should be established through the change of recognition. Third, it is needed to establish the environment for active participation through inducements. Fourth, the consumer-customized educational service should be provided. Fifth, it would be necessary to establish the exclusive development management system.
Key Words
Elite Sports Policy, Retired Athlete, Career Development, Career Transition, Career Support, Support Project
The Effect of marine sport event visitors’ satisfactions on reinforcement of a city image and a community consciousness 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠이벤트 관람자의 만족도가 도시이미지와 지역사회 의식에 미치는 영향
김찬룡ChanRyongKim , 남용진YongJinNam , 변영선YoungSunByun
55(1) 97-105, 2016
The Effect of marine sport event visitors’ satisfactions on reinforcement of a city image and a community consciousness 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠이벤트 관람자의 만족도가 도시이미지와 지역사회 의식에 미치는 영향
김찬룡ChanRyongKim , 남용진YongJinNam , 변영선YoungSunByun
This study was conducted to examine how marine sport event visitor’s satisfactions effect on a city image and a community consciousness. In order to achieve purpose of this study, research samples were collected 282 marine sport event visitors, research method was adapted survey through questionnaire and was analyzed through SPSS program. The results of this study were as follows. First, staff satisfaction and program satisfaction in marine sport event visitors’ satisfactions significantly effect on a city image. Second, staff satisfaction and program satisfaction in marine sport event visitors satisfactions significantly effect on a community consciousness. A local government’s marine sport event in communities effect to make reinforcement of a city image and a community consciousness. And therefore when local government hold a marine sport event to reinforce a city image and a community consciousness, event organizers consider to place a staff with the right talent in the right position, and to provide various enjoyable program for family, and visitors.
Key Words
marine sport event, visitor satisfaction, city image, community consciousness
Success Factor of Korean Women Professional Golf Players in the LPGA Tour 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 여자프로골프선수의 LPGA 투어 성공요인
임진택JinTaekLim , 임수원SooWeonLim , 권기남KiNamKwon
55(1) 107-119, 2016
Success Factor of Korean Women Professional Golf Players in the LPGA Tour 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 여자프로골프선수의 LPGA 투어 성공요인
임진택JinTaekLim , 임수원SooWeonLim , 권기남KiNamKwon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the Success factors of Korean women professional golf players in the LPGA Tour. To achieve this purpose, this study performed a case study. Research participants were chosen by purposive sampling and there are Golf Professinals total 10. Data were collected by in-depth interview and relevant materials. The results of this study were as follow: First, Individual factor is indicated the culture of training, parent's enthusiasm, acceptance of American culture through the youth studying abroad and the experience through the competition. Second, Environment factor is indicated growing the generation of Seri’s kids, the market extension of Korean Golf Academies and the group culture of community spirit. Third, Structural factor is indicated enviroment improvement of KLPGA structure and setting up the elite athletes’ training system. In conclusions, Success factors of Korea women professional golf players in the LPGA Tour is personal, environmental, and appeared to structural factors.
Key Words
Korean women professional golf players, LPGA Tour, Parent`s enthusiasm, Seri`s kid, Golf Academie
The effects of Psychological Happiness and Sense of Community on Sports Program Participation in Community Center 인문,사회과학편 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육 프로그램 참여를 통한 심리적 행복감이 커뮤니티(Community) 의식에 미치는 영향
안정훈JungHunAn , 이강우KangWooLee
55(1) 121-130, 2016
The effects of Psychological Happiness and Sense of Community on Sports Program Participation in Community Center 인문,사회과학편 : 주민자치센터의 생활체육 프로그램 참여를 통한 심리적 행복감이 커뮤니티(Community) 의식에 미치는 영향
안정훈JungHunAn , 이강우KangWooLee
This purpose of this study were to analyze the effects of Psychological Happiness and Sense of Community through participation Sport for All Program of Community Center. As subjects for this study participants Sport for All Program of Community Center in Seoul of 2015 residents were set up, and then total sample of 225 copies were collected using the multi-stage stratified sampling method. Items of questionnaires related to Psychological Happiness, sense of community were used after validity and reliability. As results of this analyses, major findings are as follows; First, personal characteristics (gender, age, education level, income level, residence) of sport for all program participants in Community centers appeared to have a positive correlation between participation and satisfaction of the program participants. Second, sport for all of program participants, satisfaction in Community centers were found to have Psychological Happiness and Sense of Community correlated the participants. Third, sport for all of program participants, satisfaction in Community Centers appeared to significant effect on all factors of psychological happiness(enjoyment, satisfaction) and sense of community(membership, mutual influence consciousness, intergration and fulfillment of needs, emotional connection). Forth, psychological happiness. through sport for all of program participants, satisfaction in Community Centers appeared to affect sense of community of community residents.
Key Words
Community Center, Psychological Happiness, Sense of Community
Social Network based on Exchange of Social Resource in Korean Female Handball Players 인문,사회과학편 : 여자 핸드볼 선수의 팀 내 자원교환에 따른 사회연결망 구조
조은희EunHeeCho , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
55(1) 131-142, 2016
Social Network based on Exchange of Social Resource in Korean Female Handball Players 인문,사회과학편 : 여자 핸드볼 선수의 팀 내 자원교환에 따른 사회연결망 구조
조은희EunHeeCho , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
The purpose of this study is to analysis of social structure on exchange of social resource in female's handball team. For this purpose, 29 semi-professional female handball player were participated in the study. A structured interview and peer-nomination process were applied for gathering personal information and measuring on exchange of social resource. We defined as a 'strong team' that a team has 23 times winner and as a 'weak team' that a team hasn't winner. Degree centrality, between centrality and eigenvector centrality were calculated by social network analysis using Netminer 4.0. The conclusions of this study are as follows that. First, in 'strong team', information resources were exclusive by team member of Olympic medalist. Second, in 'strong team', material resources were exclusive by senior handball players of Olympic medalist. Third, 'strong team' of female handball has more effective structures of social network than 'weak team'. And 'weak team' has a several sub-groups in inefficient structure.
Key Words
social network analysis, exchange of social resource, female handball players
The Identity and Appellation of Korean LPGA Athletes in Newspaper 인문,사회과학편 : 신문보도에 나타난 한국 LPGA선수들의 호명과 정체성
이원미WonMiLee , 정현HyunJung
55(1) 143-152, 2016
The Identity and Appellation of Korean LPGA Athletes in Newspaper 인문,사회과학편 : 신문보도에 나타난 한국 LPGA선수들의 호명과 정체성
이원미WonMiLee , 정현HyunJung
This research will establish the relationship between the appellation of Korean LPGA athletes in newspapers and what type of identity is imbued upon the said athletes. In order to find the relationship, the data was collected from articles on all of the Korean athletes in LPGA that were published by Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo. Articles were only considered for the time frame of 1998 January to 2015 August which accounted for 4447 articles, and contents analysis was the method used for analyzing the collected data. During contents analysis following conclusion was reached. First, there is a gradual increase of articles appellating Korean LPGA athletes since 1998 and the variety (number) of appellated athletes also increased along with it. Second, the appellation and identity of Korean athletes in LPGA are categorized into players, gender, image and country which are related with identity, and it is plagued with social context, and it is kind of symbol system appellating by multiple roles rather than each of single role.
A Study on Barriers and Capital of Exercise Maintenance for Women`s Body Shape Making 인문,사회과학편 : 여성의 몸매 만들기를 위한 운동지속의 장벽과 자본
이원미WonMiLee , 이종영JongYoungLee
55(1) 153-165, 2016
A Study on Barriers and Capital of Exercise Maintenance for Women`s Body Shape Making 인문,사회과학편 : 여성의 몸매 만들기를 위한 운동지속의 장벽과 자본
이원미WonMiLee , 이종영JongYoungLee
This study intended to identify what barriers women experience in the process of exercise choice for women's body shaping and whether the barriers are caused by the social structure. In order to achieve the purpose, among women in their 20s and 30s, four women who participated in exercise for more than six months and four women who were taking diet food were selected. Data were collected using non-participant observation, in-depth interview, documents, etc. The collected data were qualitatively analyzed and then interpreted by the concept of Bourdieu’s concept. First, the barriers in maintaining exercise for women's body shaping appeared as exercise cost barrier, environmental barrier, and exercise internalization barrier. Second, among the three barriers in exercise maintenance, the exercise cost is perceived high when economic capital are small, and for the environmental barrier occurred when social capital are small, the exercise maintenance barriers are perceived high when cultural capital are small. In other words, the exercise internalization barrier is perceived high through the interaction between exercise cost barrier and environmental barrier then it builds negative habitus for exercise maintenance.
Key Words
capital, exercise maintenance barriers, women`s body shape making
Athletes "Deulruri" Life-World of University Sports Team 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동부 "들러리" 선수의 생활세계
권구명GooMyeungKwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
55(1) 167-177, 2016
Athletes "Deulruri" Life-World of University Sports Team 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동부 "들러리" 선수의 생활세계
권구명GooMyeungKwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate athletes' 'Deulruri' athletes' life-world of university sports team. Firstly, which athletic training activity strategy does 'Deulruri' athlete choose in comparison with fellow athletes training and living together in the same university athletic team in order to maintain their self-esteem? The athletic training strategies chosen by 'Deulruri' athletes in order to maintain their self-esteem were classified into rationalization, avoidance, and relation strategy. Secondly, which living activity strategy does 'Deulruri' athlete choose in comparison to fellow athletes living together in dormitory lives with fellow athletes of same university team in order to maintain their self-esteem? Strategies of living activity chosen by 'deulruri' athletes to maintain their self-esteem were classified into Career choice , Interpersonal, Deviant Behavior and Role-taking Strategy.
Key Words
Deulruri athletes, life-world, university sports team
The Relationship between Perceived Need Control, Need Thwarting, and Task Engagement in the Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 지각된 욕구통제와 욕구좌절, 과제참여와의 관계
정명수MyeongSooJeong , 장보경BoKyoungJang
55(1) 179-190, 2016
The Relationship between Perceived Need Control, Need Thwarting, and Task Engagement in the Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업에서 지각된 욕구통제와 욕구좌절, 과제참여와의 관계
정명수MyeongSooJeong , 장보경BoKyoungJang
This study examined if self-determined motivation moderated the mediational effect of need thwarting on the relationship between need control teaching behaviors and task engagement in the physical education classes. Questionnaires regarding observed need-control teaching behaviors, psychological need thwarting, behavioral regulation, and class engagement were completed by 485 middle school students (321 males, 164 females). The results showed that students' need thwarting fully mediated the association between physical educators' need control behaviors and engagement in class. The mediating effect of need thwarting in the relationship between need control teaching behaviors and engagement in class were moderated by relative autonomy index. More specially, students with high relative autonomy index were protected from the detrimental impact of need control teaching behaviors on engagement in class, compared with students' with low relative autonomy index. Findings suggest that physical educators can support students' basic psychological needs when they understand students' perspective and instead pressure then to act, think, or feel in prescribed ways.
Key Words
self-determination theory, need control, need thwarting, engagement, physical education
The Effect of Leisure Motivation on Subjective Well-being: The Moderating Role of Leisure Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 여가동기와 주관적 행복과의 관계: 여가 관여도의 조절 효과 분석
백혜경HyeKyungBeak , 양명환MyungHwanYang
55(1) 191-205, 2016
The Effect of Leisure Motivation on Subjective Well-being: The Moderating Role of Leisure Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 여가동기와 주관적 행복과의 관계: 여가 관여도의 조절 효과 분석
백혜경HyeKyungBeak , 양명환MyungHwanYang
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between leisure motivation(autonomous and controlled motivation) and subjective well-being and whether these relationships are moderated by leisure involvement. Participants were 281 leisure activity participants who reside in Jeju Province. Leisure motivation, subjective well-being, leisure involvement was carried out by self-assessment questionnaire type survey. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis revealed that centrality and self-expression as sub-factors of leisure involvement has a moderating effect on the relationship between the autonomous motivation and subjective well-being, but attraction factor had no significant moderating effect. Controlled motivation had no significant moderating effect on leisure involvement and subjective well-being. These findings provide empirical support for the contention that autonomous motivation is as antecedent of leisure involvement, and the prediction of a subjective well-being from autonomous motivation differs across levels of a moderator variable, leisure involvement.
The Relationship Between Physical Self-description, Psychological Well-being and Subjective Happiness of Pilates Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 필라테스 참가자들의 신체적 자기개념과 심리적 웰빙 및 주관적 행복감의 관계
55(1) 207-219, 2016
The Relationship Between Physical Self-description, Psychological Well-being and Subjective Happiness of Pilates Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 필라테스 참가자들의 신체적 자기개념과 심리적 웰빙 및 주관적 행복감의 관계
This study aimed to examine the relationship between physical self-description, psychological well-being and subjective happiness of pilates participants. The number of subjects for this study were 237 who were participating in the pilates in Seoul. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire and descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, standard multiple regression analysis were conducted by using SPSS 18.0 and path analysis was conducted by using AMOS Window 18.0 program. The results are as follows; First, the physical self-description has partially influence on the psychological well-being of pilates participants. Second, the physical self-description partially affects the subjective happiness of pilates participants. Third, the psychological well-being partially affects the subjective happiness of pilates participants. Lastly there is a causal relationship between physical self-description, psychological well-being and subjective happiness of pilates participants. In particular, the psychological well-being plays an important role between physical self-description and subjective happiness.
Reexamination of Coach-Athlete Relationship Maintenance Scale in Pro Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 코치-선수관계 유지 척도 재검증
허진영JinYoungHuh , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
55(1) 221-233, 2016
Reexamination of Coach-Athlete Relationship Maintenance Scale in Pro Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 코치-선수관계 유지 척도 재검증
허진영JinYoungHuh , 최헌혁HunHyukChoi
The purpose of this study was to prove a development and initial validation of the korean version of coach-athlete relationship maintenance scale that originated from the work of Rhind and Jowett(2012) in pro baseball. The items were then administered to 132 Participants(29 coaches and 103 athletes) completed the questionnaires of the coach-athlete relationship maintenance in First preliminary investigation. Maximum likelihood estimate was used to identify the latent underlying structure. In order to verify the validity of Korean version of coach-athlete relationship maintenance was administered to an independent sample of 273 coaches and athletes. Pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance is consisted of six factors(25 items) with conflict management, motivational, preventative, openness/assurance, support, and social network. SPSS18.0 and AMOS16.0 were used to analyze the exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factory analysis and internal consistency, test-retest with bootstrapping using of the data in this study. The results of the pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance scale had six factors with 25 items, and each six factor was positively correlated. Overall, this study verified pro baseball coach-athlete relationship maintenance questionnaire. Thus, suggest that path of comparing the differences between the first division and farm team by using the test of the structural model invariance across the groups.
A study of meaning in life and subjective happiness by exercise behavior and learned resourcefulness in exercise 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 운동실천행동과 운동자원동원성 수준에 따른 삶의 의미와 지각된 행복
이현영HyunYoungLee , 오화정HwaJungOh
55(1) 235-245, 2016
A study of meaning in life and subjective happiness by exercise behavior and learned resourcefulness in exercise 인문,사회과학편 : 대학생의 운동실천행동과 운동자원동원성 수준에 따른 삶의 의미와 지각된 행복
이현영HyunYoungLee , 오화정HwaJungOh
The purpose of this study was to explore the differences in meaning in life and subjective happiness by the stage of change in exercise behavior and the level of learned resourcefulness in exercise. It also examined if the variables differ by gender. For this study, a total of 286 university students(123 males) completed questionnaires to assess exercise behavior, learned resourcefulness in exercise, meaning in life, and subjective happiness. The data analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test with SPSS 18.0. The results showed that male students reported higher stage of change and learned resourcefulness in exercise than females. Students in maintenance stage of change in exercise behavior were more likely to have higher meaning in life and subjective happiness than those in the other stage. Also, highly resourceful students had higher meaning in life and subjective happiness than those scoring low in resourcefulness in exercise. Exercise behavior is related to meaning in life and happiness and the relationship may be influenced by personal resourcefulness. The findings may help to understand health behaviors among university students and to make a plan for promoting physical activity.
Key Words
exercise behavior, learned resourcefulness, meaning in life, happiness
Relationship Between Body Weight Perception and Mental Health in Korean Adolescents 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 청소년의 주관적 체형인지와 정신건강의 연관성
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between body weight perception(BWP) and mental health(MH) using 10th(2014) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey after examining Korean adolescents’ BWP and MH. For this study, a complex sample design logistic regression analysis was performed in 72,060 male and female students, aged 12-18 who were sampled via a systematic sampling process that of population stratification, sampling distribution, and sampling. As a result, more male students had much higher perceived underweight, and more female students had much higher perceived overweight(P<.001). Female students had worse MH(perceived stress rate(PSR) 30.8% vs 43.7%, P<.001; depressed feeling rate(DFR) 22.2% vs 31.6%, P<.001; thinking suicide(TS) 11.0% vs 15.4%, P<.001; planning suicide(PS) 4.2% vs 4.7%, P=.002; attempting suicide(AS) 2.3% vs 3.6%, P<.001). As more male and female students head towards extreme BWP categories, as it being referred to the normal weight category of BWP, the more experienced PSR and DFR appeared in students, gradually(P<.001). In general, students in overweight categories had much higher odds ratio(OR) of suicide-related variables(P<.001). In the case of male students, the lowest underweight category had much higher OR(95% Confidence Interval) in suicide-related variables(TS 1.396(1.221-1.596); PS 1.317(1.076-1.610); AS 1.536(1.202-1.963)). In conclusion, a multidimensional solution including regular physical activity that leads to have positive BWP may be required for MH improvement in adolescents. Especially, an in-depth countermeasure would be needed for female students.
Key Words
KYRBS, body weight perception, mental health, Korean adolescents
Mediation effects of self-management on achievement goal orientation and sport performance strategy among high school track and field athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 육상선수들의 성취목표성향과 스포츠수행전략의 관계에서 자기관리의 조절효과 검증
55(1) 261-272, 2016
Mediation effects of self-management on achievement goal orientation and sport performance strategy among high school track and field athletes 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 육상선수들의 성취목표성향과 스포츠수행전략의 관계에서 자기관리의 조절효과 검증
The purpose of this study was to identify the mediation effects of self-management on the relationship of achievement goal orientation and sport performance strategy among highschool track and field athletes. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected, and 327 respondents were selected for the final analysis after the initial screening. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis,, multiple regression analysis, and mediating regression analysis were performed using the SPSS Win 20.0 program. The results showed, first, the task goal orientation had positive effects on sports performance strategy except for the emotional control factor, and ego goal orientation influenced the emotional control and self-talk. Secondly, the relationship between achievement goal orientation and port performance strategy was mediated by the self-management. Specifically, the self-management mediated the relationships among task goal orientation, condition control, imagery, goal setting, and emotional control. Also, the relationship among ego goal orientation and emotional control and relaxation was modulated by the self-management.
Key Words
track and field athletes, achievement goal orientation, sport performance strategy, self-management
A Study on the Relationship among Participation Motivation, Exercise Commitment, and Exercise Continuation Intention of Adult Taekwondo Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 성인 태권도 수련자의 참여동기와 운동몰입, 운동지속의도의 관계
전현근HyunKeunJeon , 이봉BongYi
55(1) 273-284, 2016
A Study on the Relationship among Participation Motivation, Exercise Commitment, and Exercise Continuation Intention of Adult Taekwondo Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 성인 태권도 수련자의 참여동기와 운동몰입, 운동지속의도의 관계
전현근HyunKeunJeon , 이봉BongYi
This study was aimed to examine the relationship among participation motivation, exercise commitment, and exercise continuation intention of adult Taekwondo participants, and to provide basic data for activation and expansion of adult Taekwondo training. For this, 250 adult Taekwondo participants were surveyed and 222 data of them were used for final analysis. The data obtained through the sampling were analyzed through frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations analysis, and structural equation modeling analysis with the help of the PASW 18.0 version program and AMOS 18.0 version program. As a result, this study drew the conclusions as follow: First, the participation motivation of adult Taekwondo participants has a positive effect on the exercise continuation intention. Second, the participation motivation of adult Taekwondo participants has a positive effect on the exercise commitment. Third, the exercise commitment of adult Taekwondo participants has a positive effect on the exercise continuation intention. Fourth, the exercise commitment of adult Taekwondo participants was proved to be a medium of the participation motivation and the exercise continuation intention.
Key Words
adult taekwondo, the participation motivation, the exercise continuation intention, the exercise commitment
Understanding the Growth Process of Beginning Physical Education Teachers Through Educational Communities of Practice 인문,사회과학편 : 교육실천공동체활동을 통한 초임 체육교사의 성장과정 이해
이의재EuiJaeLee , 유정애JeongAeYou
55(1) 285-298, 2016
Understanding the Growth Process of Beginning Physical Education Teachers Through Educational Communities of Practice 인문,사회과학편 : 교육실천공동체활동을 통한 초임 체육교사의 성장과정 이해
이의재EuiJaeLee , 유정애JeongAeYou
To date, little attention is given to inquiry on positive strategies and growing process that deal with obstacles and difficulties facing beginning P.E. teachers. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to understand the growing process of beginning physical education teachers through actively performing educational communities of practice. For doing this, data are collected using the in-depth interview with 10 beginning P.E. teachers and teaching cases or documents, and then are analyzed using grounded theory method by Strauss & corbin (1990). As a result, 53 concepts, 15 sub-categories and 8 high categories are drawn through open coding. In addition, causal condition has appeared ‘facing difficulty in school life ’ and 'knowing educational communities of practice(ECOP)', and then ’the central phenomenon was ‘participating in ECOP’. Regarding mediation condition, it is discovered two categories(how about our ECOP and participatory factors. As action/interaction strategy, it was eventually explored as ‘growing beginning P.E. teachers’ throughout 'getting out of beginning teacher'. Finally, due to selective coding, it is understood that beginning P.E. teachers have professionally growing with active participation in ECOP.
Key Words
educational communities of practice, beginning teacher, physical education
Pre-service Elementary Teachers` Educational Thinking about Ski Class Before and After 인문,사회과학편 : 예비초등교사의 스키수업 활동 전과 후 교육적 사고
55(1) 299-309, 2016
Pre-service Elementary Teachers` Educational Thinking about Ski Class Before and After 인문,사회과학편 : 예비초등교사의 스키수업 활동 전과 후 교육적 사고
The purpose of this study was to understand the changes of educational thinking through activities in ski class of pre-service elementary teachers’. This study was conducted during winter season in 2014 with in-depth interview and open-ended questionnaire. The participants were 6 ski experienced(3 males and 3 females) and 6 ski inexperienced persons(3 males and 3 females), who were attending at G university of education. The results of this study are as follows. First, the thinking about ski class of pre-service elementary teachers’ was divided into greatly ‘common ideas’ and ‘different ideas’. Common ideas include ‘fun’, ‘to learn skiing safe’, ‘differentiated instruction’, ‘improving assessment’, ‘teaching aptitude and recreation’. Different ideas showed between the 4 groups(male 1-inexperienced, male 2- experienced, female 1-inexperienced, female 2- experienced). Second, the thinking through ski class of pre-service elementary teachers’ expanded. Changes of thinking include ‘expansion to the objectives of education’, ‘expansion to educational contents’, ‘expansion to teaching methods’, ‘expansion to educational evaluation’, and ‘expansion to educational values’.
Students’ Satisfaction with New Sports Activities in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업 내 뉴스포츠 활동에 따른 수업만족도
박현호HyunHoPark , 김승재SeungJaeKim
55(1) 311-321, 2016
Students’ Satisfaction with New Sports Activities in Physical Education Classes 인문,사회과학편 : 체육수업 내 뉴스포츠 활동에 따른 수업만족도
박현호HyunHoPark , 김승재SeungJaeKim
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the new sports activities on student satisfaction in the physical education class. Methods: The study was conducted at two middle schools which had physical education by using the new sports in C-city, Kangwondo. 420 students were sampled by the convenience sampling method, and they completed the questionnaires given in this study. To verify reputation and validity of the questionnaires, factor analysis and Cronbach' α were used. The subjects were asked to answer the questionnaires in self-administration method. For the data processing, statistics program for Windows, SPSS/PC+ Ver. 18.0 was used and frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test and One-Way ANOVA were used. The significance level showed α=.05. Results & Conclusion: First, there were significant differences between gender. Boys showed high level of satisfaction in 'learning environment' and 'teaching effectiveness' than girls. Second, differences between the graded were showed, students in 3rd grade were satisfied than 2nd ones with 'physical teacher', 'class evaluation' and 'teaching effectiveness'. Third, there was high level of satisfaction in 'physical teacher', 'class evaluation' and 'teaching effectiveness' if they had high level of preference for them. Forth, students who attended the new sports classed were satisfied more in learning environment and teaching method.
Key Words
new sports, satisfaction of physical education classes, preference
Structural Relationship among the Perceived Physical Education Learning Environment, Self-Efficacy, and Efforts/Persistence 인문,사회과학편 : 지각된 체육학습환경과 자기효능감 및 노력/지속성의 구조적 관계
55(1) 323-333, 2016
Structural Relationship among the Perceived Physical Education Learning Environment, Self-Efficacy, and Efforts/Persistence 인문,사회과학편 : 지각된 체육학습환경과 자기효능감 및 노력/지속성의 구조적 관계
This study is aimed at identifying the structural relationship among the perceived learning environment, self-efficacy, and efforts/persistence in physical education class. To that end, a survey was conducted on four middle school students in the metropolitan areas. Afterwards, a total of 355 copies were selected as the valid sample through convenience sampling method. The collected data was processed through SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 to verify the goodness of fit of the entire model and the hypotheses were tested. The findings are as follows. First, the effort/challenge-perceived environment had significant effects on the self-efficacy. However, the competence-perceived environment and threat-perceived environment had no significant effects on the self-efficacy. Second, the self-efficacy had significant effects on the efforts/persistence. Third, the effort/challenge-perceived learning environment and competence-perceived environment had positive effects on the efforts/persistence. However, the threat-perceived environment had no significant effects on the efforts/persistence. Finally, the self-efficacy had mediating effects on the relationship between the effort/challenge-perceived learning environment and the efforts/persistence in physical education.
Effects of swimming education on early childhood emotional intelligence and socialization 인문,사회과학편 : 수영교육이 유아의 감성지능과 사회성에 미치는 영향
55(1) 335-344, 2016
Effects of swimming education on early childhood emotional intelligence and socialization 인문,사회과학편 : 수영교육이 유아의 감성지능과 사회성에 미치는 영향
The focus of this study is to investigate the effects swimming education has on early childhood emotional intelligence and socialization development. Samples used for the study is eighty 6-year old children from M kindergarten in Gwangju, South Korea. They were divided into experimental group (n=40, male = 20, female = 20) and comparative group (n=40, male = 20, female = 20). The experimental group was given swimming related activities three times a week, for twelve weeks, with each sessions lasting forty minutes. The comparative groups were given existing physical activities during the experiment group’s swimming classes. As a research tool, independent sample t-test and matching sample t-test were used to analyze the data. As a result, experiment group who participated in the swimming activities showed significant differences in emotional intelligence and socialization among various items, while the comparative group did not show any significant differences among items tested. With such results, it was concluded that swimming education in early childhood had positive effect on development of emotional intelligence and socialization.
Key Words
swimming education, children, emotional intelligence, social skills
Physical Education Teacher`s Perspectives on Assessment of Expression Activity as a Curriculum Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 현직체육교사의 체육교과 표현활동 평가에 대한 소견: 한국민속무용을 중심으로
이나영NaYoungLee , 조욱상OokSangCho
55(1) 345-358, 2016
Physical Education Teacher`s Perspectives on Assessment of Expression Activity as a Curriculum Activity 인문,사회과학편 : 현직체육교사의 체육교과 표현활동 평가에 대한 소견: 한국민속무용을 중심으로
이나영NaYoungLee , 조욱상OokSangCho
The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary physical education teachers’ perspectives on assessment tool for students’ expression ability with Korean traditional dance. Three physical education teachers who majored traditional dances in college and had long teaching experience(over 15 years) of Korean traditional dance for secondary students participated in the present study. Data collection was conducted by in-depth interviews with participants. In order to prepare interview questions in detail, the researchers of the present study extracted assessment factors(motor skill, breathing, face and emotion expression, playing instruments) from commentary of a Korean traditional dance competition from 2004 to 2014. During the in-depth interview, researchers and participants discussed 1)what standards have prepared and applied for assessment of Korean traditional dance, and 2)what assessment factors and methods are required to be designed for objective assessment. According to the results, secondary physical education teachers have complained impractical assessment directions on Korean national physical education curriculum for teaching traditional dance skills and expressions because of abstract and non-objective standards for assessment. In addition, participants pointed out it is necessary to understand secondary students’ motor skill and cognitive level for discovering classical dance to design practical assessment tool.
Key Words
Korean traditional dance, assessment factor
A Qualitative Study on Current Status of Judo Coach Education and Improvement Proposal 인문,사회과학편 : 전문유도코치교육의 실제와 개선방안에 관한 질적연구
남광우KwangWooNam , 조욱상OokSangCho
55(1) 359-374, 2016
A Qualitative Study on Current Status of Judo Coach Education and Improvement Proposal 인문,사회과학편 : 전문유도코치교육의 실제와 개선방안에 관한 질적연구
남광우KwangWooNam , 조욱상OokSangCho
The purpose of the study was to investigate incumbent Judo coach's perspectives on current status of Judo coach education and improvement proposal. Seven incumbent Judo coaches who had experience of attending coach education for only incumbent Judo coach participated in the study. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with participants. For in-depth interviews questions about strength and weakness of current coach education's contents and structure regarding effectiveness of coach education were prepared. The collected data were analyzed by area and distribution analysis. In order to ensure trustworthiness member check and triangulation were conducted. According to the results, contents and instructional strategies of the current coach education are separated with situations of Judo coaching field. Also it is difficult to observe assessment of coach education programs' practicality and revisions with results of program assessment. Consequently, participants of the study suggested that it is necessary to make an effort to construct a connection between coach education and Judo coaching field. This suggestion is came from considerations of education program's practicality. The study concluded that it is necessary to reform curriculum for Judo coach education in order to improve effectiveness and practicality of the education. Also the study suggested to consecutively conduct research studies that focus profession of Judo coach.
Key Words
Judo Coach, Coach Education
Examination of Adaptive of Technology Acceptance Model and Information Quality for Potal-Site Sports Information of Usage Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 기술수용모형(TAM)과 정보품질을 적용한 포털사이트 스포츠정보 이용의도에 관한 모형 검증
이정학JeoungHakLee , 장용석YongSeokJang , 김재환JaeHwanKim
55(1) 375-389, 2016
Examination of Adaptive of Technology Acceptance Model and Information Quality for Potal-Site Sports Information of Usage Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 기술수용모형(TAM)과 정보품질을 적용한 포털사이트 스포츠정보 이용의도에 관한 모형 검증
이정학JeoungHakLee , 장용석YongSeokJang , 김재환JaeHwanKim
The purpose of this study was to examine an adaptive model of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) and information quality for Potal-site Sports information intention of usage. To achieve the purpose of the study, 307 university students who had experience using portal-site sports information were surveyed. Frequency analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0 were conducted to analyze the date. Results of this study are as follows. first usefulness, ease of use was affected by information quality. Second, usage of intention was not affected by information quality. third, usage of intention was affected by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
Key Words
TAM, information quality, potal-site sports information, perceived ease use, perceived usefulness, intention of usage
The Effects of TV variety program by experiential values of Taekwondo on Viewing Satisfaction, Recommendation Intentions and Behavioral Intentions 인문,사회과학편 : TV 예능프로그램을 통한 태권도 경험적 가치가 시청만족과 추천의사 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향
이정학JeongHakLee , 김욱기WookKiKim , 김민준MinJunKim
55(1) 391-401, 2016
The Effects of TV variety program by experiential values of Taekwondo on Viewing Satisfaction, Recommendation Intentions and Behavioral Intentions 인문,사회과학편 : TV 예능프로그램을 통한 태권도 경험적 가치가 시청만족과 추천의사 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향
이정학JeongHakLee , 김욱기WookKiKim , 김민준MinJunKim
The purpose of this study is to clarify the effect of taekwondo experiential values on viewing satisfaction and recommendation intentions as well as behavioral intentions so that it can calculate the taekwondo experiential values of taekwondo-based tv variety program and provide effective marketing strategy for the increase of leisure sports population for adult taekwondo. For this, the study selected non-taekwondo majoring university students who watched our town music and physical education “taekwondo realm” on KBS and used them to conduct final analysis. The research tool consists of question paper including 26 questions. convenience sampling method among non-probability sampling methods was adopted and total 320 question papers were finally used for final analysis. For data analysis method, spss ver,210 was used and frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and control multiple regression analysis were performed. The study results are as follows. For the experiential values factor, it was found that recreational, economical, cultural, social, attractiveness factor was in regular sequence as to positively influence the viewer satisfaction. recommendation Intentions was in numerical order of social, recreational factor. Finally, behavioral Intentions was in numerical order of social, economical, cultural factor to cause positive effect on viewer satisfaction.
A Study on Relationship among Color Marketing, Brand Awareness and Behavioral Intention in the Golf Ball 인문,사회과학편 : 골프볼의 컬러마케팅과 브랜드인지도, 행동의도의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
55(1) 403-413, 2016
A Study on Relationship among Color Marketing, Brand Awareness and Behavioral Intention in the Golf Ball 인문,사회과학편 : 골프볼의 컬러마케팅과 브랜드인지도, 행동의도의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among color marketing, brand awareness and behavioral intention in the golf ball. 300 questionnaire for the surveys were distributed to the golf consumer have played golf and purchase experienced about golf products in May 2014. 285 questionnaire were selected as valid questionnaire and finally used for this study. The data were analyzed by the frequence analysis, reliability analysis with SPSS Version 17.0 and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structure equation model analysis by using Amos 7.0. The result were as follows through methods of analysis; First, color marketing(epicritic, symbolization, remind, attractiveness) have an effect on brand awareness. Second, color marketing(epicritic, symbolization, remind, attractiveness) influenced on behavioral intention. Third, brand awareness influenced on behavioral intention. Researching the more comprehensive outcome golf enterprises should be a priority to color marketing techniques to increase brand awareness and revenue will have to develop a marketing strategy.
Key Words
Color Marketing, Golf Ball, Brand Awareness, intention of action
Impact of SNS Peer Communication on Purchase Intention for Sport Product: A Consumer Socialization Process 인문,사회과학편 : SNS에서의 동료 간 커뮤니케이션이 스포츠 상품 구매의사에 미치는 영향: 소비자 사회화 과정을 중심으로
55(1) 415-426, 2016
Impact of SNS Peer Communication on Purchase Intention for Sport Product: A Consumer Socialization Process 인문,사회과학편 : SNS에서의 동료 간 커뮤니케이션이 스포츠 상품 구매의사에 미치는 영향: 소비자 사회화 과정을 중심으로
he purpose of this study was to examine a theoretical model of sport consumer socialization process for influencing in purchase intention. 260 university students who had experiences of purchasing or acquiring sport product information through SNS. Structural Equation Modeling was used to test hypothesis. Results of this study are as follows. First, research model to explain consumer socialization process in this study was significant. Second, Identification with peer group positively influenced the degree of communication about sport product. Third, the degree of peer communication about sport product on SNS positively influenced the attitude about buying sport product based on information acquired from SNS. This attitude also positively influenced purchase intention of sport product in future.
The Effect of Congruity between Team Image and Product Image and Congruity between Product Image and Self Image on Team Attitude, Product Attitude and Repurchasing Intention in Korea Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구의 구단-제품 이미지 일치성과 제품-자아 이미지 일치성이 구단태도, 제품태도 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
이근희GeunHeeLee , 전용배YongBaeJeon , 김종백JongBackKim
55(1) 427-439, 2016
The Effect of Congruity between Team Image and Product Image and Congruity between Product Image and Self Image on Team Attitude, Product Attitude and Repurchasing Intention in Korea Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구의 구단-제품 이미지 일치성과 제품-자아 이미지 일치성이 구단태도, 제품태도 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
이근희GeunHeeLee , 전용배YongBaeJeon , 김종백JongBackKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of congruity between team image and product image and congruity between product image and self image on team attitude, product attitude, and repurchasing intention in Korea professional baseball. The subjects were the home spectators of Lotte Giant and NC Dinosaur teams, who have at least an experience for purchasing licensing products from those two teams. Using the stratified cluster random sampling method, a total of 233 questionnaires were finally used for data analysis processing. Data were analyzed with simple and multiple regression analyses using the IBM SPSS ver. 21.0. The results for this study were as followings; First, the congruity between team image and product image were found to have a significantly positive effect on team attitude. Second, the congruity between team image and product image and the congruity between product image and self image were found to have significantly positive effects on product attitude and repurchasing intention. Third, team attitude had a significantly positive effect on product attitude. Last, team attitude and product attitude had significantly positive effects on repurchasing intention.
Key Words
Congruity, Team image, Product image, Self image, Team Attitude, Product Attitude, Repurchasing Intention, Korea Professional Baseball
Analysis and Modeling of Hosting Process in International Sports Events 인문,사회과학편 : 국제스포츠이벤트의 유치 프로세스 분석 및 모델링
김주학JooHakKim , 조선미SunMiCho
55(1) 441-455, 2016
Analysis and Modeling of Hosting Process in International Sports Events 인문,사회과학편 : 국제스포츠이벤트의 유치 프로세스 분석 및 모델링
김주학JooHakKim , 조선미SunMiCho
International sports events is one of the core products in the sports industry. The increasing number of nations are bidding to host the international sports event such as Olympics Game because of expecting to development of a city or nation. Hosting a international sports events are inter-connected and affected by system of socials, politics, cultures and economics. As the scale of the international sports events became larger, sports events process importance is growing. The purpose of this study was build a model of the sports event process in the attract steps. By analyzing event process in the attract steps, the core processes(1. Search, 2. Applications, 3. Practice, 4. Follow-up management) was set and stakeholders and function were analyzed. The modeling was used as IDEF method.
Key Words
mega-event, attracting, hosting process, sports event, process model
Analyses of Spectators` Expenditure Determinants in a Professional Baseball Team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관람객의 소비지출 결정요인 분석
조우정WooJeongCho , 최의열EuiYulChoi
55(1) 457-467, 2016
Analyses of Spectators` Expenditure Determinants in a Professional Baseball Team 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 관람객의 소비지출 결정요인 분석
조우정WooJeongCho , 최의열EuiYulChoi
Understanding professional baseball fans’ expenditure is expected to provide fundamental marketing information that help increase each team’s marketing profits and values and produce a better economic impact on its community. In this regard, this study employed a survey method with a total of 372 residents located in Changwon. A questionnaire included factors such as demographics, consumption patterns and perceived socio-psychic effect(PSE), all of which were derived from literature review. A binary logistic regression was modeled with a dichotomous dependent variable, expenditure(30,000 won more or less). The following were input in the model as the independent variables in order to see the relationships; gender, marriage, education, occupation, income, location, age, leisure type, distance, companion, transportation, interest, and PSE. The results of the logistic regression analysis are as follows. Overall, the model was statistically significant, χ²(21, N=372)=59.159, p=.000. Cox and Snell R² was reported as .147 and .200 respectively. So, the model accounted for between 14.7% and 20.0% of the variation in expenditure. Among the independent variables, income, location, companion, and PSE were found to be the significant factors to expenditure. For income, subjects with 2 million won less of income, compared to those with 4 million won more, were .38 times less likely to pay the money of 30,000 won more. For location, subjects in Masan, compared to those in Jinhae, were 3.49 times more likely to pay 30,000 won more. Subjects in Changwon, compared to those in Jinhae, were 3.05 times more likely to pay 30,000 won more. For companion, people visiting the stadium alone, compared to those with friends/colleague, were .36 times less likely to pay 30,000 won more. For PSE, the odds of 30,000 won more paid increased by 1.37 times with one-unit increase in PSE.
Key Words
professional baseball, spectators, expenditures, determinants, socio-psychic effect
A Study on Influence of Sports Exhibition Relationship Quality on a Undergraduate Student``s Revisit Intention & Switching Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 박람회 관계의 질이 대학생의 재방문의도 및 전환의도에 미치는 영향
조태수TaeSooCho , 조송현SongHyunCho
55(1) 469-479, 2016
A Study on Influence of Sports Exhibition Relationship Quality on a Undergraduate Student``s Revisit Intention & Switching Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 박람회 관계의 질이 대학생의 재방문의도 및 전환의도에 미치는 영향
조태수TaeSooCho , 조송현SongHyunCho
The purpose of this study was to enhance college students' paradigm shift in sports through sports exhibition by analyzing the influential relationship, in which the relationship quality of sports exhibition has on collegian participants's repurchase intention and switching intention, and to analyze the positive value required for the securing of favorable regular customers and customer creation of the sports-related industry. As for the research subject, this study set the college students, who participated in sports-related exhibition held in Seoul from March to May, 2014 as a population. The study drew the results as follows: First, relationship quality of sports exhibition showed a positive effect on revisit intention. Second, relationship quality of sports exhibition showed a positive effect on switching intention.
A study on the definition and Licence of Youth sports 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년스포츠의 정의와 자격증에 관한 연구
김진훈JinHunKim , 채승일SeungIlChae , 이호근HoGunYi
55(1) 481-488, 2016
A study on the definition and Licence of Youth sports 인문,사회과학편 : 유소년스포츠의 정의와 자격증에 관한 연구
김진훈JinHunKim , 채승일SeungIlChae , 이호근HoGunYi
This study is a widely used and discuss the relationship of infant physical education, youth and sports, has been exploring the evolution of youth sports. First, it is a discussion of the definition of youth sports. The essence of infant physical education have been childhood sports expansion. Definition, depending on age, defined in different words. Sports and Physical Education for the development and definition pursuit of youth sports, there is a need for discussion infant physical education infant sport, related to youth sports. Second, It is a discussion of the licence of the youth sports. Youth sports instructor qualifications and activities scattered in the various government departments to the task got a clear roles and responsibilities for youth sports instructor and has not been properly established, from the value. This Youth Sports instructor requires a dedicated Department for Central, a private preschool early childhood physical education-related organizations and associations should seek a relationship with. In addition, youth sports can be said to define the essential pursuit of research and development for follow-up study are discussed in the different areas of the hope. Definitions that may be an essential research youth sports and for the development, subsequent researchers hope that become discussed.
Key Words
Youth Sports, early childhood physical education, certification, instructor
A Review of Kumdo Book 인문,사회과학편 : 검도 단행본에 대한 검토
55(1) 489-497, 2016
A Review of Kumdo Book 인문,사회과학편 : 검도 단행본에 대한 검토
The object of this study is to examine kumdo book. The results are as follows. First, 53 domestic books were published. 33 domestic books and 20 copies of the Japanese translation version were published. Second, government and organization published 8 domestic books, and 25 domestic books left were published by individual. Especially, the police has promoted kumdo through domestic kumdo books. Third, 12 copies of the Japanese translation version translated autonomously by an editorial department of a publishing company were published, and 8 copies left were published by individual. Samho Media and Seorim Media Group published many kumdo translations. Fourth, it is expected to offer basic information for kumdo book and to vitalize a study on teaching materials of kumdo.
Key Words
Kumdo, Book, Japanese Translation Version, Teaching Materials of Kumdo, Kumdo Theory
The Effect of Line Dance Program on Depression and Life Satisfaction among Single Elderly Women 인문,사회과학편 : 라인댄스 프로그램이 홀로된 여성노인의 우울 및 생활 만족에 미치는 효과
55(1) 499-507, 2016
The Effect of Line Dance Program on Depression and Life Satisfaction among Single Elderly Women 인문,사회과학편 : 라인댄스 프로그램이 홀로된 여성노인의 우울 및 생활 만족에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of line dance program on depression and life satisfaction among single elderly women with depression symptoms. The subjects were 40 single elderly women over sixty five olds, divided into two groups randomly, which are the line dance participating group and non exercise group. The data were gathered by questionnaires on depression and life satisfaction before and after study, and analyzed by statistical methods such as X2, paired t-test and ANOVA.
The major finding were as follows. It indicated that the line dance exercise participant showed the lower depression level in depression feeling and weak motivation contents and the higher life satisfaction in present and future contents than non participant. Therefore the single elderly women with the depression symptoms have the effect of participating line dance program in depression care and life satisfaction.
Key Words
line dance, depression, life satisfaction, single elderly women
The Analysis on the Career Transition of Early Retired Baseball Student-athletes by Grounded Theory 인문,사회과학편 : 야구선수들의 중도은퇴와 진로전환에 관한 근거이론 연구
박광호KwangHoPark , 원영신YoungShinWon , 조은영EunYoungCho
55(1) 509-520, 2016
The Analysis on the Career Transition of Early Retired Baseball Student-athletes by Grounded Theory 인문,사회과학편 : 야구선수들의 중도은퇴와 진로전환에 관한 근거이론 연구
박광호KwangHoPark , 원영신YoungShinWon , 조은영EunYoungCho
The purpose of this study is to find out about the career transition process of early retired baseball student-athletes who weren't drafted by professional baseball teams. This study was carried out from September 2011 to November 2011. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The collected data went through three coding processes composed of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Through open coding, 119 concepts, 29 subcategories and 13 categories were extracted while axial coding made each category into paradigms, investigating each category's relationship. This paradigm was composed of casual condition, phenomenon, contextual condition, intervening condition, interaction strategy and consequence. Casual condition refers to the phenomenon depicting the process of 'entering university' and the ''failure to proceed to professional leagues". Contextual condition refers to the 'awareness of career anxiety' and having ''only one goal'. Furthermore, this entails the 'starting of career anxiety' and ‘resolving to change to a non-professional athlete career.' The intervening condition consists of the 'preparation for career transition' and ‘career barriers'. The interaction strategy phenomenon refers to the 'practice and process of career transition,'‘assistance of significant others' and 'career development dependent upon others'. The result of such interaction strategies are 'career decision and new vision' and 'repentance and self-contentment.' Lastly, the core category, 'overcoming a frustration and new career development,' has been extracted through selective coding. The process analysis in regards to the flow of time was extracted in six steps: failure to become a professional athlete → decide what to do →begin their career transition → preparing for their career transition → career development and assistance of significant others → success of career transition. In relation to this, all of these categories were found to fall into two categories: dominant type and dependent (active/passive) types.
Key Words
early retired baseball student-athletes, career transition, grounded theory
A Research on the Legitimacy of Fair play 인문,사회과학편 : 페어플레이의 정당성에 관한 연구
This research is find out the concept about the legitimacy of fair play. It is described by taking the case on the non-validity and validity of fair play. First, it sets the range with the formulation of fair play. Second, the life of the fair play through a change in the recognition. Third, the willingness of improvement is needed. It can be improved with sustained efforts. After all, establish the theory of fair play is the object of this study.
Key Words
fair play, Good foul, Intentional base on balls, Ethicality
The Mediating Effect of Participative Motivations in Relationship Between Pedagogical Leisure Sports Instructor’ Content Knowledge and Achievement Goal Orientation in Leisure Sports Participant`` Perception 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자가 지각한 지도자의 수업지식과 성취목표성향의 관계에서 참여 동기의 매개효과
남광우KwangWooNam , 이용국YongKukLee
55(1) 531-541, 2016
The Mediating Effect of Participative Motivations in Relationship Between Pedagogical Leisure Sports Instructor’ Content Knowledge and Achievement Goal Orientation in Leisure Sports Participant`` Perception 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참여자가 지각한 지도자의 수업지식과 성취목표성향의 관계에서 참여 동기의 매개효과
남광우KwangWooNam , 이용국YongKukLee
The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of participative motivations in relationship between pedagogical leisure sports instructor’ content knowledge and achievement goal orientation in leisure sports participant' perception. In order to achieve this purpose, 237 leisure sports participants were selected from complex sports center in Seoul by the cluster sampling method. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations analysis and structural equation model analysis were executed using SPSS Statistics 21.0 Version and AMOS 21. As the results, the following conclusion was derived. First, it was discovered that the content knowledge had static influence to the participative motivations. Second, it showed that the content knowledge didn`t gave static influence to the achievement goal orientation. Third, it showed that the participative motivations affect to the achievement goal orientation. Finally, the participative motivations showed mediated effect partially between content knowledge and achievement goal orientation.
Relationship among Physical self-concept, self-resilience and life satisfaction for junior golfers 인문,사회과학편 : 주니어 골프선수들의 신체적 자기개념, 자아탄력성 및 생활만족의 관계분석
한지훈JeeHoonHan , 이철원ChulWonLee , 박찬민ChanMinPark
55(1) 543-553, 2016
Relationship among Physical self-concept, self-resilience and life satisfaction for junior golfers 인문,사회과학편 : 주니어 골프선수들의 신체적 자기개념, 자아탄력성 및 생활만족의 관계분석
한지훈JeeHoonHan , 이철원ChulWonLee , 박찬민ChanMinPark
This study is to define the Relationship among Physical self-concept, self-resilience and life satisfaction of junior golfers. This study was analyzed with convenient sampling method of 300 current 2015-junior golfers who live in seven provinical and local cities of Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, and Gyeongsang-do, Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do and Jeju Island and every questionaries were written in self-administration method. The collected data was analyzed by using the program SPSSWIN Ver.21 with frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression. As a result of verifying the relationship between the variables is as follows. First, sport competence, physical appearance, physical activity, endurance, muscle strength appears was shown to have an statistically significant effect on the self-resilience. Second, sports competence, physical activity, muscle strength have a statistically significant influence on life satisfaction. Third, self-resilience of junior golfers has a statistically significant influence on life satisfaction.
Key Words
Physical self-concept, self-resilience, life satisfaction
Analysis of newspapers content of 2014 sochi Olympic: centering on gender Differences 인문,사회과학편 : 소치 동계 올림픽 신문보도의 내용 분석: 성편향성을 중심으로
55(1) 555-567, 2016
Analysis of newspapers content of 2014 sochi Olympic: centering on gender Differences 인문,사회과학편 : 소치 동계 올림픽 신문보도의 내용 분석: 성편향성을 중심으로
The main purpose of this study is to conduct the research on sexism and tendency of newspaper articles refer to news contents, which were reported during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The data was collected from 2 Korean typical conservative and progressive newspapers. For the completion of this study, Articles and images that dealt with male and female athletes were amassed and analyzed. Results are following. First, Female athletes are more exposed in both of the articles and images than male athletes. Second, HanKyoreh newspaper shows some tendency to report on various sport matches intensively. Otherwise, joongAng Llbo shows some differences by reporting popular sport events, giving peripheral information of matches and exposing them on the all-inclusive section of their newspaper. Third, they tend to reinforce gender stereotype in reports by using sensationalism, lookism, etc. on to popular female athletes. On the other hand, they report in respect of popular male athletes about nationalism, irrationality of the sport communities, naturalization and anti- triumphalism
The Verification on the Mediating Effect Relationship between Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Career Identity through Career Adaptability of Nursing Students: Focused on Participants of Therapeutic Recreation 인문,사회과학편 : 간호대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감을 매개로 진로정체감과 진로적응성의 관계 검증: 치료레크리에이션 참여자를 대상으로
강현욱HyunWookKang , 임진선JinSunLim
55(1) 569-578, 2016
The Verification on the Mediating Effect Relationship between Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Career Identity through Career Adaptability of Nursing Students: Focused on Participants of Therapeutic Recreation 인문,사회과학편 : 간호대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감을 매개로 진로정체감과 진로적응성의 관계 검증: 치료레크리에이션 참여자를 대상으로
강현욱HyunWookKang , 임진선JinSunLim
The purpose of this study is to verify the relationship between career identity, career decision-making self-efficacy, and career adaptability of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation through using structural equation. The subject of this study consisted of 176 nursing students who participated in therapeutical recreation classes and using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 in data processing and through structure equation model analysis, the following conclusion was derived. First, the career identity of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation had positive influence in career decision-making self efficacy. Second, the career decision-making self efficacy of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation had positive influence career adaptability. Third, career identity of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation had positive influence on career adaptability. In the relationship of career identity and career adaptability of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation, the verification of mediation effect on career decision-making self efficacy identified that career identity had direct influence in career adaptability and showed positive influence through the career decision-making self efficacy mediation effect. These outcomes above help build the career identity of Nursing Students who participated in therapeutical recreation and can increase career decision-making self efficacy, eventually implying a positive direct or mediated influence in career adaptability.
Key Words
Therapeutical Recreation, Career Identity, Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, Career Adaptability
The Causal Relationship Analysis among Leisure Facilitators, Leisure Constraints Negotiation, Serious Leisure for Winter Sports Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 동계스포츠 참여자의 여가촉진, 여가제약협상, 진지한 여가의 인과관계분석
오세복SeaBockOh , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
55(1) 579-588, 2016
The Causal Relationship Analysis among Leisure Facilitators, Leisure Constraints Negotiation, Serious Leisure for Winter Sports Participants 인문,사회과학편 : 동계스포츠 참여자의 여가촉진, 여가제약협상, 진지한 여가의 인과관계분석
오세복SeaBockOh , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze Structural relations among leisure facilitators, leisure constraints negotiation, and serious leisure for winter sports tourism participants In order to achieve the purpose of this study, total 320 data were collected who are participating in winter sports at 4 Ski resorts located in Gyeonggi and Gangwon area. The collected data analysis were conducted using SPSS 21.0 and Amos 18.o and its result is as follows; First, through the model-fit validation regarding hypothetical model of leisure facilitators, leisure constraints negotiation and serious leisure, the model-fit was satisfied the standard. Second, leisure facilitators showed no significant effect on both leisure constrains negotiation and serious leisure but leisure constraints negotiation showed significant effect on serious leisure. After validation, all suggested hypotheses were selected. Leisure facilitators showed positive effect on continuous participation on planned, strived serious leisure by encouraging leisure participants and boosted constraints negotiation effort that eliminates negative situation which caused by physical, conscious strategic leisure participation overcoming restricting factors
Absolute vs. Relative Scale of Recreation Specialization 인문,사회과학편 : 레크리에이션 전문화의 절대적 vs. 상대적 척도
황선환SunhwanHwang , 강형길HyoungKilKang , 이문진MunjinLee
55(1) 589-599, 2016
Absolute vs. Relative Scale of Recreation Specialization 인문,사회과학편 : 레크리에이션 전문화의 절대적 vs. 상대적 척도
황선환SunhwanHwang , 강형길HyoungKilKang , 이문진MunjinLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the applications of the newly developed items of recreation specialization. This newly developed recreation specialization items are different from the previous recreation specialization items in that the newly developed items used a third person point of view, compared to a first person point of view employed for the previous recreation specialization items. For the purpose, the key item of each subset of the previous recreation specialization questionnaire was adapted. The systematic sampling method was used to garner 300 questionnaires from college tennis club players. After excluding 14 incomplete questionnaires, data analyses were conducted using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability test, t-test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. Findings indicated that the newly developed items were different from the previous items and that the newly developed items had more power to explain participants’ quality of life than did the previous items. Theoretical and practical implications were provided in the discussion section.
Key Words
recreation specialization, absolute scale, relative scale, quality of life
A qualitative study of specialization experience of pilates married women participants: for full-time homemakers 인문,사회과학편 : 필라테스 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 체험에 관한 질적 연구: 기혼여성을 대상으로
김경주KyungJuKim , 서광봉KwangBongSuh , 이철원ChulWonLee
55(1) 601-609, 2016
A qualitative study of specialization experience of pilates married women participants: for full-time homemakers 인문,사회과학편 : 필라테스 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 체험에 관한 질적 연구: 기혼여성을 대상으로
김경주KyungJuKim , 서광봉KwangBongSuh , 이철원ChulWonLee
This study analyzed recreation specialization experience of married women who participate in pilates through phenomenological method. Two research problems were drawn from qualitative approach toward specialization experience structure and its process, and also from the actual experience of the participants. First of all, participation motivation for pilates appeared to be ‘system establishment for well-being life’ and ‘having a private healing time.’ The System establishment for well-being life factor consists of ‘exploring new leisure’ and ‘overcoming fed up life.’ For the Having a private healing time factor, ‘helpless everyday life’ and ‘private space’ were drawn as subcategories. Secondly, factors for pilates specialization experience were ‘self-satisfaction,’ ‘transition as an owner of body,’ and ‘being pilates professional.’ Subcategories for the Self-satisfaction factor were ‘competency improvement,’ and ‘synergy effect in life.’ Subcategories for the Transition as an owner of body factor were ‘improved body’ and ‘improved mind.’ Lastly, the Being pilates professional factor consists of ‘entering instructor course’ and ‘compensation for the effort.’
Key Words
qualitative study, recreation specialization, pilates married woman
Social Network Analysis of Dance Studies utilizing Big Data 인문,사회과학편 : 무용연구의 빅데이터를 활용한 사회연결망분석
황동열DongRyulHwang , 문신정SinJungMoon , 황고은GoEunHwang
55(1) 611-621, 2016
Social Network Analysis of Dance Studies utilizing Big Data 인문,사회과학편 : 무용연구의 빅데이터를 활용한 사회연결망분석
황동열DongRyulHwang , 문신정SinJungMoon , 황고은GoEunHwang
Knowledge system of the dance is represented by analyzing the theme of dance studies. After that, It analyzes the relationship between the social structure. And it is formed as identify trends. For this research, from 1958 until 2014 the field of dance were collected for a total of 5,415 cases papers. The word appeared in Title analyzed the social network by using the R program of Big Data. As a results, The following words have emerged to continue. However, the key words and relationship networks in accordance with the periodic step was changing.: ‘Dance Education', ‘program', ‘Dance majors', ‘modern dance', etc. After 2010, ‘Marketing', ‘media', ‘multiculture' has emerged. And The words to form a new central system. Social network analysis result, Dance research in early studies was simple. To Latter increasingly complex and studies have been gradually embodied. The study looked at the various functions and roles of the dance sector in the meantime. Forward, Dance field studies have provided a meaningful suggestions for new themes that must go along with the development of society.
Key Words
dance studies, dance movement/therapy, dance trend, Big Data, Social Network Analysis
Effects of the Emotional Response to Club Cultural Experience on Dance Image and Behavioral Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 클럽 문화체험에 대한 감정반응, 무용에 대한 이미지, 행동의도의 관계
55(1) 623-632, 2016
Effects of the Emotional Response to Club Cultural Experience on Dance Image and Behavioral Intention 인문,사회과학편 : 클럽 문화체험에 대한 감정반응, 무용에 대한 이미지, 행동의도의 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of emotional response to club cultural experience on dance image and behavioral intention, and survey research was conducted with male & female university students enrolled at 4-year universities in Seoul region (D University, K University, S University, Y University). Among the survey questionnaires distributed, 418 copies were used as final research data. For analysis, Windows SPSS 18.0 Version statistical program was used to perform frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis and following conclusions were deduced. First, it was found that both positive and negative responses that are sub-factors of emotional response to club culture have effects on overall image, social image and professional image that are sub-factors of dance image. Second, it was found that only positive response factor among positive and negative responses that are sub-factors of emotional response to club culture has effects on behavioral intention. Third, it was found that overall image and professional image that are sub-factors of dance image have effects on behavioral intention factor.
Key Words
Club, Cultural Experience, Emotional Response, Dance Image, Behavioral Intention
55(1) 1-2, 2016
Key Words
한국체육학회지 윤리규정 및 심사지침
55(1) 1-5, 2016
한국체육학회지 윤리규정 및 심사지침
Key Words
Mechanical properties and physical fitness of trunk muscles using Myoton 자연과학편 : Myoton을 적용한 체간근육의 기계적 속성과 체력기전
김춘섭ChounSubKim , 김맹규MaengKyuKim
55(1) 633-642, 2016
Mechanical properties and physical fitness of trunk muscles using Myoton 자연과학편 : Myoton을 적용한 체간근육의 기계적 속성과 체력기전
김춘섭ChounSubKim , 김맹규MaengKyuKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the mechanical properties of trunk muscles using Myoton were correlated with isokinetic strength and flexibility at trunk flexion. Eighty-one healthy young men without orthopedics disease participated in this study. The mechanical properties; frequency (F), decrement (D), stiffness (S), creep (C), and relaxation (R) were assessed on rectus abdominis, external oblique, and 3-site of erector spine using the MyotonPRO device. Peak torque measured at trunk flexion using an isokinetic dynamometer and trunk flexibility was evaluated through trunk forward flexion and sit and reach test. On the correlation between mechanical properties of the abdominal muscles and peak torque at trunk flexion, peak torque had a positive relationship with F and S indices whereas C and R indices were negatively correlated. In contrast, peak torque at trunk flexion had a positive correlation with D, C, and R indices of erector spine. Meanwhile, trunk forward flexion and sit and reach had a positive relationship with F index whereas C and R indices were negatively correlated, respectively, on the correlation between mechanical properties of the abdominal muscles and trunk flexibility. In conclusion, Myoton can be a new method to partially predict and evaluate the physical fitness component of the trunk muscle based on the close relationship of strength and flexibility at trunk flexion with Myoton indices reflecting biomechanical properties.
The influence of MEF2s on GLUT4 expression by endurance exercise 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동을 통한 GLUT4 발현에 MEF2s가 미치는 영향
고진호JinHoKoh , 김기진KiJinKim
55(1) 643-651, 2016
The influence of MEF2s on GLUT4 expression by endurance exercise 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동을 통한 GLUT4 발현에 MEF2s가 미치는 영향
고진호JinHoKoh , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the role of MEF2C on GLUT4 following endurance exercise, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta(PPARβ/δ) and shPPARβ/δ over-expression. To evaluate the role of MEF2A and MEF2C on GLUT4 expression, MEF2A and MEF2C was over-expressed in mice skeletal muscle cell(C2C12). Rat triceps muscles were dissected at 18h after 2weeks swimming exercise. To evaluate the role of PPARβ/δ on MEF2C expression, PPARβ/δ was over-expressed in mouse tibialis anterior(TA) muscle and shPPARβ/δ was over-expressed in rat epitrochlearis muscle using electrical pulse-mediated gen transfer(electroporation; EPO) method. GLUT4 in MEF2A and MEF2C over-expressed C2C12 were increased 2.8 and 2.5 fold respectively when compared to an empty vector(EV) treated group. PPARβ/δ, PGC-1α, GLUT4 and MEF2A in swimming exercise skeletal muscle for 2 weeks were increased 2.2, 2.7, 2.3 and 2.5 fold respectively than sedentary(Sed) skeletal muscle, but MEF2C in swimming exercise skeletal muscle for 2 weeks were not increased than Sed skeletal muscle. MEF2A and GLUT4 in PPARβ/δ over-expressed skeletal muscle by EPO were increased 1.9 and 2.1 fold respectively when compared to an EV treated skeletal muscle, but MEF2C in PPARβ/δ over-expressed skeletal muscle by EPO were decreased 55% when compared to an EV treated skeletal muscle. MEF2A in shPPARβ/δ over-expressed skeletal muscle by EPO were decreased 61% when compared to a scramble(Scr) treated skeletal muscle. MEF2C in shPPARβ/δ over-expressed skeletal muscle by EPO were increased 1.8 fold when compared to a scramble(Scr) treated skeletal muscle. Our results indicate that GLUT4 biogenesis following endurance exercise is controlled by MEF2A, PPARβ/δ countervail PGC-1α effect on GLUT4 biogenesis by MEF2C.
Key Words
endurance exercise, PPARβ/δ, MEF2A, MEF2C, GLUT4
The effects of exercise on blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose of intellectually disabled men with circadian rhythm 자연과학편 : 운동이 지적장애인의 일일주기에 따른 혈압, 심박수, 혈중 당에 미치는 영향
김한철HanChulKim , 권영우YeungWooKwon
55(1) 653-659, 2016
The effects of exercise on blood pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose of intellectually disabled men with circadian rhythm 자연과학편 : 운동이 지적장애인의 일일주기에 따른 혈압, 심박수, 혈중 당에 미치는 영향
김한철HanChulKim , 권영우YeungWooKwon
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of regular exercise on circulatory factor(blood pressure, heart rate) and blood glucose with circadian rhythm of mentally retarded males. Twenty mentally retarded males participated in this study and were divided experimental group (n=10) who had performed regular exercise in previous 2 year and control group (n=10). All subjects were classified as a moderate mental retardation(mean IQ 48.0±3.63). All parameters were analysed at 07:00hours and 18:00hours. Chronic exercise resulted in significant decrease in blood pressure. Blood pressure was higher at morning time than evening time. In contrast, evening heart rate was higher than morning heart rate but there were no significant difference of circadian rhythm in all parameters between experimental group and control group. In conclusion, chronic exercise in mental retarded adult males showed positive effects on blood pressure but did not show the difference of the time interval for measurement in blood pressure. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanism between chronic exercise and circadian rhythm on circulatory factors, blood glucose and other substance such as vascular regulatory factors.
The effect of re-alignment program with proprioceptive control on balance and gait of stroke patients 자연과학편 : 고유수용성 운동조절을 통한 마비측 재정렬이 뇌졸중 환자의 균형과 보행에 미치는 영향
구성회SungHoeaGu , 오재근JeaGunOh
55(1) 661-673, 2016
The effect of re-alignment program with proprioceptive control on balance and gait of stroke patients 자연과학편 : 고유수용성 운동조절을 통한 마비측 재정렬이 뇌졸중 환자의 균형과 보행에 미치는 영향
구성회SungHoeaGu , 오재근JeaGunOh
Purpose: This study was to compare the effect of the re-alignment program with proprioceptive control. Methods: Using Balance Master, Timed up & go Test and 10m walk on stroke patients with that of conventional program in order to analyze the effect it has on balance and gait. The subjects were thirty male stroke patients who were receiving rehabilitation therapy in P Hospital. This study was held to 3weeks. Results: Data showed that there was a significant improvement of the re-alignment group in terms of the ability of static posture balance control with Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance and Limit of stability test before and after. we measured the ability of dynamic posture balance control with Timed up & Go Test, Weight distribution during sit to stand. There was an significant improvement of the re-alignment group. For the ability of gait with 10m walk Test there was an increasing improvement of the re-alignment group. Balance control and gait ability before and after showed a significant improvement in the re-alignment group. Furthermore, multiple regression analyses revealed that there was a significant improvement in the re-alignment group with held effects of other confounding variables constant. With regard to the results from above compared to conventional program, re-alignment program with proprioceptive control was considered to be a more valuable therapy in balance control and gait ability improvement.
Regulation of protein synthesis response in aged rat ventricular cardiomyocytes by 12 week resistance training 자연과학편 : 12주 저항성 훈련에 의한 노화 쥐의 좌심실 세포 합성 반응 조절
여효성HyoSeongYeo , 김효정HyoJeongKim
55(1) 675-685, 2016
Regulation of protein synthesis response in aged rat ventricular cardiomyocytes by 12 week resistance training 자연과학편 : 12주 저항성 훈련에 의한 노화 쥐의 좌심실 세포 합성 반응 조절
여효성HyoSeongYeo , 김효정HyoJeongKim
Left ventricular hypertrophy by exercise training have been recognized as a positive change to improve cardiovascular function. This study was performed to investigate the effect of resistance training on protein synthesis of left ventricular cardiomyocytes in aged rat. Fifty-six SD rats (aged 100 wk) divided into resistance training group (n=28) and un-training group (n=28). Training group performed the ladder climbing for 12 weeks (1 h/d, 3 d/w). Left ventricular tissue was used to measure the protein synthesis (Akt, mTOR, 4E-BP1, p70S6K protein) and degradation (IκB, NF-κB protein) response by western blot. From the results, heart-weight to body-weight ratio tended to be higher in trained group than untrained group(7.7%, p=.097). In addition, acute bout of resistance exercise increased the protein expression of Akt, mTOR, 4E-BP1, p70S6K immediately after exercise, 1 hour and 3 hour of recovery (p<.05). We confirmed that the resting Akt(91%, p=.008), mTOR(107%, p=.002), 4E-BP1(69%, p=.003), p70S6K(86%, p=.001) protein expressions in resistance training group were significantly higher than those in un-training group. On the other hand, indicators of cardiomyocyte protein degradation, IκB(127%, p=.008) and NF-κB(245%, p=.001) were significantly higher in training group than un-training group. A single bout of resistance exercise increased the protein expression of IκB and NF-κB protein at immediately and recovery period (p<.05). These results indicate that resistance exercise positively affects to physiological function of heart by increasing the protein synthesis in aged rat.
A phenomenological Study on Exercise Perception for Colorectal Cancer Patients undergoing Adjuvant Chemotherapy 자연과학편 : 수술 후 항암화학요법을 받는 대장암 환자들의 운동 인식에 대한 현상학적 연구
A phenomenological Study on Exercise Perception for Colorectal Cancer Patients undergoing Adjuvant Chemotherapy 자연과학편 : 수술 후 항암화학요법을 받는 대장암 환자들의 운동 인식에 대한 현상학적 연구
The purpose of the current study was to understand exercise perception of patients with colorectal cancer undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. The qualitative data on exercise perception of fifteen colorectal cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy was acquired through in-depth interviews and field note, using the phenomenological method. As a results, 61 meaningful statements were obtained from colorectal cancer patients, as being categorized into 9 themes and 3 categories: (1) constant struggle, (2) barriers in exercise participation, (3) positive exercise experience. First, participants experienced chemotherapy associated physical and emotional difficulties which caused restriction in movement. Second, the patients experience difficulties in exercising due to physical and emotional difficulties, negative experiences in treatment, lack of information on exercise. Third, patients who participated in the exercise actively experienced physical, psychological benefits from exercise and perceived the importance of exercise as a treatment option.
Key Words
Colorectal cancer, Adjuvant chemotherapy, Exercise perception, Phenomenological study
Effects of motion beat training during dance sport on cardiorespiratory functions, metabolic risk factors and energy regulation hormones in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 중년비만 여성의 댄스스포츠 모션비트 트레이닝 적용이 심폐기능, 대사성 위험요인 및 에너지조절 호르몬에 미치는 영향
인치석ChiSeokIn , 이민기MinKiLee , 김정수JungSooKim
55(1) 701-713, 2016
Effects of motion beat training during dance sport on cardiorespiratory functions, metabolic risk factors and energy regulation hormones in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 중년비만 여성의 댄스스포츠 모션비트 트레이닝 적용이 심폐기능, 대사성 위험요인 및 에너지조절 호르몬에 미치는 영향
인치석ChiSeokIn , 이민기MinKiLee , 김정수JungSooKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of motion beat during dance sports exercise on cardiorespiratory functions, metabolic risk factors and energy regulation hormones in middle-aged women. All twenty women participated in this exeriment. Each ten persons are assigned into two-groups such as motion subject group and normal subject group. They conducted dance sports for sixteen weeks. The results of this study was as follows; First, Applying beat motion caused positive effect on muscle mass and cardiovascular endurance and %body fat also significantly increased. Second, applying motion beat caused statistically significant decrease of waist measurement and metabolic risk factors and significant increase of high density cholesterol. Third, applying motion beat showed positive effect on energy control hormone, both leptin and ghrelin, and statistically significant effect on leptin was found. Fourth, Exercise intensity of normal and motion beat have been confirmed as the very important index to interpret the results. That is, exercise intensity of motion beat was 71.5% that was ten-percent higher than normal beat. Therefore, applying motion can have synergy effect on enhancing the exercise intensity and muscle mobilization rate during dance sport, and so very useful for obesity and body shape management for short period.
Effects of Combined Exercise Program on Metabolic Syndrome Variables and Fat Distribution Depending on the Gender in Older Generations 자연과학편 : 복합운동 프로그램 적용이 고령자의 대사증후군 지표와 지방 분포에 미치는 영향
이상욱SangWookLee , 김효정HyoJeongKim
55(1) 715-722, 2016
Effects of Combined Exercise Program on Metabolic Syndrome Variables and Fat Distribution Depending on the Gender in Older Generations 자연과학편 : 복합운동 프로그램 적용이 고령자의 대사증후군 지표와 지방 분포에 미치는 영향
이상욱SangWookLee , 김효정HyoJeongKim
This study was performed to demonstrate the changes in metabolic syndrome variables and regional adiposity following 12 weeks combined exercise program in older generations. 20 participants (60~69 yrs) who have metabolic syndrome were divided into two groups depending on the gender. All subjects performed the training including aerobic, resistance, balance and flexibility exercise 3 times/wk (90 minutes per session) for 12 weeks. Before and after the training, significant interactions were observed for systolic blood pressure (SBP, p<.05), fasting glucose (p<.01), Body mass (p=.020), % Fat (p=.001), android fat (p=.001) and A/G ratio (p=.001). In men, SBP was maintained (p=.132) whereas blood glucose was decreased by 15% (p=.002). In women, SBP was decreased by 16.6% (p=.132) and blood glucose was decreased by 4.8% (p=.002). From the results of whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), we confirmed significant changes for body mass (men p=.001, women p=.002), % Fat (men p=.002, women p=.002) and android fat (men p=.005, women p=.004). These results mean combined exercise training can differently improve metabolic syndrome parameters and regional adiposity depending on their gender.
Comparison analysis of isokinetic strength of college football players according to the position 자연과학편 : 대학 축구 선수들의 포지션별 등속성 근력 비교분석
55(1) 723-731, 2016
Comparison analysis of isokinetic strength of college football players according to the position 자연과학편 : 대학 축구 선수들의 포지션별 등속성 근력 비교분석
The purpose of the current study is to compare isokinetic strength of college football players based on their position. A total of 74 college players participated in the present study which measured the isokinetic of knee and ankle strength. The muscular strength was measured through muscular extension and muscular flexion from the different angles respectively and the results showed as followed. First, the level of knee joint isokinetic strength of college football players was approximately 223 Nm at the extension of 60°/sec and 152 Nm at flexion of 60°/sec. Also, at the extension of 180°/sec, the result indicates the level of knee joint isokinetic strength was about 142 Nm and at the flexion of 180°/sec, the level of knee joint isokinetic strength was 114 Nm. This result was 10~20 Nm lower than professional football players. Second, the isokinetic strength level of inversion and extroversion of the ankle joint showed approximately 30 Nm at 30°/sec inversion and 35 Nm at 30°/sec extroversion, and about 21 Nm at 120°/sec inversion and 23 Nm at 120°/sec extroversion. Regarding the level of isokinetic strength of plantar flexion and dorsiflexion, the results showed 135 Nm at 30°/sec plantar flexion and 38 Nm at 30°/sec dorsiflexion, and 80 Nm at 120°/sec plantar flexion and 21 Nm at120°/sec dorsiflexion. Third, regarding the isokinetic strength of the knee and ankle joint, the results showed that offense players and defense players had similar features of it. On the other hands, midfield players showed that their knee muscular strength was lower and ankle muscular strength was higher than offensive and defensive players. The result is considered as the difference of position of players.
Comparison of the Outcomes of Statistical Models Applied to the Prediction of Play-off Entry in Korean Professional Basketball 자연과학편 : 한국프로농구 플레이오프 진출을 위한 순위결정 요인 탐색과 통계적 모형 비교
조은형EunHyungCho , 채진석JinSeokChae
55(1) 733-745, 2016
Comparison of the Outcomes of Statistical Models Applied to the Prediction of Play-off Entry in Korean Professional Basketball 자연과학편 : 한국프로농구 플레이오프 진출을 위한 순위결정 요인 탐색과 통계적 모형 비교
조은형EunHyungCho , 채진석JinSeokChae
The purpose of this study is to suggest predicted models for choosing which performance variables is needed to be trained for entering the play off, and which performance variables is important to stay on top scores, or which performance variables is superior in winning ratio 1st team, and to provide predicted models whether belonging team can enter the play off or stay on upper level, so which predicted models has good prediction in 3 models. For this purpose, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, correlation analysis for investigate relationship between odds and performances, concordance test to investigate correlation between winner of the performance variables and winning ratio 1st team were executed. Also discriminant, logistic regression, neural networkwere performed with predictors. The results showed below. The significant factors(p<.05) between teams who entered or not to play off were maximum of continuous winning, maximum of continuous losing, 2PP, FTM, BS, 3PP, TF, RPG, PPG, 2PA, APG, FTP, and the mean compared result with 3 levels of scores showed that maximum of continuous winning, maximum of continuous losing, RPG, BS, TF were the significant factors. And the attitude of agreement of winning ratio 1st team and performance variables 1st were showed in order of 2PP=BS=TF(33.3%)
Key Words
Korea basketball, Play off, Discriminant, Logistic regression, Neural network
Access from the Viewpoint of Biomedical Engineering on the Developmental Scheme of Korea’s Disability Sports Field Related to the 1st Bionic Olympics (CYBATHLON 2016) 자연과학편 : 제 1회 Bionic Olympics(CYBATHLON 2016) 개최 관련 국내 장애인 체육 분야의 발전 방안에 대한 의,공학적 접근
이환곤HwanGonLee , 양정수JungSuYang
55(1) 747-761, 2016
Access from the Viewpoint of Biomedical Engineering on the Developmental Scheme of Korea’s Disability Sports Field Related to the 1st Bionic Olympics (CYBATHLON 2016) 자연과학편 : 제 1회 Bionic Olympics(CYBATHLON 2016) 개최 관련 국내 장애인 체육 분야의 발전 방안에 대한 의,공학적 접근
이환곤HwanGonLee , 양정수JungSuYang
The purpose of this study was to propose the developmental scheme for Korea’s sports field through the viewpoint of biomedical engineering related with the 1st Bionic Olympics. To accomplish this purpose, it was investigated the disciplines and rules for Bionic Olympics, and inspected conception and history, tendency of researches and commercialization for technologies related to the disciplines in Bionic Olympics. Through retrieval of web database, it was analyzed research trend in overseas and domestic. As the result of this study, it was confirmed that the number of the research in overseas is steadily increasing although the number of domestic research is insignificant. This result is to prove that technologies related to Bionic Olympics can be leading the future. In order to research for new paradigm in Korea’s disability sports field, it has to positively apply commercial devices, and plan fusion with other disciplines, and collaborate on a work with industry, and cultivate experts. It will be considered that domestic disabled can obtain good results in Bionic Olympics through this proposal.
Study on Policy to Improve the Participation in Sports for All of People with Physical with Disabilities 자연과학편 : 장애인의 생활체육 참여율 향상을 위한 정책방안 분석
55(1) 763-771, 2016
Study on Policy to Improve the Participation in Sports for All of People with Physical with Disabilities 자연과학편 : 장애인의 생활체육 참여율 향상을 위한 정책방안 분석
The purpose of this study was to draw policy factors to improve the participation rate of people with disabilities in sports for all. To achieve this goal, data was collected by questionnaire through the purpose sampling, 183 people with physical disabilities who participated in sports for all. Analyzed the order of priority via AHP method by using Microsoft Excel Program and Expert Choice 2000 Program. The following results were drawn: Analysis of the order of priority via AHP method shows the order of priority as finance and administration, complement of facilities and equipment, training of professional instructors and their qualifications, diversification and dissemination of programs, improvement of perception, and inequality in opportunity to participate. Specifically, the order of priority of the sub-factors of each subject is as follows: in improvement of perception, active attitude of the person to participation and improvement of perception of the non-disabled were priorities; in inequality in opportunity to participate, ensuring mobility and accessibility and limits in use of facilities were high priorities. And in diversification and dissemination of programs, support of participation in leisure sports from the state and local government and compulsory placement of programs for the disabled were high priorities; and in training of professional instructors and their qualifications, support for stable jobs and income creation and training of professional instructors were high priorities. And in complement of facilities and equipment, establishment of leisure sports facilities for the disabled and complement of amenities were high priorities; in finance and administration, support from the government and institutions and construction public infrastructure were high priorities.
Key Words
people with physical disabilities, sports for all, physical activity quality, sports policy